Monday, March 31, 2008

More on the art of house keeping

Well, all this housekeeping must be a darned good lesson for Soph in being a domestic engineer. Yesterday she insisted on helping me with my daily chores (which have completely filled my days lately) - I showed her how to sort the laundry and let her push the buttons to get the wash goin'... much later after it buzzed I was changing B's diaper - when returning I saw the dryer going. I asked Soph if she did it and she said "yeah, I saw you do it, I made the light be at the top and took the fuzzies out of the screen and pushed the button". I'm not so surprised that she put the wash in the dryer as much as I am baffled and amazed that she did it correctly - and even took the lint out of the trap! What?! I'm pretty sure I was doing no such thing when I was 3 (or 4, or 5 or ever until I was on my own). After it dried she even folded it. Perhaps there's something to my non-academic lessons. She has been "reading" a lot too, perhaps because I spend my downtime (HA what down time?) reading books about being a better (and more organized) person. I suppose the best lessons are those that aren't taught but observed. I think our non-lesson will be my slim in 6 DVD, she can learn about the importance of structured exercise while joining me in my quest to live an all around better, healthier, more productive lifestyle.... it takes 21 days to make/break habits and I figure I have 39 until DH is home again - I can make so many good habits in that time!

8 Questions, Comments, Concerns:

reprehriestless warillever said...

Do you think that she could teach my kids how to do laundry?

Garden State Kate said...

I love it! P can't reach the buttons
on our older set, but she loves to help with the laundry. I was doing the family laundry by around 9 at a laundry mat, so I have no qualms about letting her "help" at home.
If I had front loaders, I'd have her doing it..she's very good at sorting.
;-) Great idea to use your time to kick start new healthy habits!

Cher Mere said...


Z started to help me sort the laundry at that age. That was her main chore for many years. She still can't fold!

Melonie said...

Fantastic - good for her! :-) My girls were taught from toddler days how to sort into the baskets - that way the load was ready to go in as is. When they got a little older they had to drag/push their basket to their room and put away anything folded in their drawers, now R is old enough (and tall enough) to hang up the hanging things. I'll do the same thing with J when he's old enough - one thing new walkers love to do is push that laundry basket to help Mama! :-0

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, you are lucky. Citcat won't do anything that I ask her and nothing on her own. I was told by a mother of four that some kids really are helpful and some aren't. I guess I got an unhelpful one. lol.

I hope the days are going fast (and healthy) and that your dh is home soon.

Daphne said...

Nina - She's only "helpful" when it's what she wants to do, and 9 times out of 10, it's not all that helpful. The laundry thing was a freak occurance I think. Unfortunately one that keeps repeating because I now have many Soph sized clothes that are know B sized clothes. When it comes to cleaning up usually they just tear it apart as I put it back.

Rockin' Moroccan Mama said...

DD is more of my helper. DS likes to help but he makes excuses like his back hurts??? he must be hearing this from somewhere hmmm I wonder who it could be LOL
DS helped load the dishwasher the other day, put the soap and do all the buttons. It really helped and he was proud to have helped me. Now I just have to figure out how to teach him to make me coffee and we'll be set. LOL