Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ah yes... at last

I have not only taken pictures, but have even put them on my machine! *small victory* So, here they are. Nothing special yet, as I am clearly not in any state to do anything that fun or educational. Alas - Here's what I have, in no particular order of course... and accompanied by my self justification that learning is happening. :)

Soph and her new very best friend at the Easter Egg hunt
The kiddies with the Easter Bunny, yes B is missing - she was busy getting a tattoo.
Ok, not the greatest picture, but it'll do. B was surprisingly not upset by the big furry bunny holding her - perhaps because Soph assured her it was a man in a suit. Talk about a killjoy!
The "sleep over", otherwise known as me watchin' the kids. Talk about out numbered! 4 to 1, I'm glad I survived. They had a good time playing with the "computers" - interestingly enough Soph's current catch phrase is "you're blog is awesome!", if only she knew what a blog was and that I do indeed have one.
Our new preschool room. Clearly I'm not done unpacking and it's still a work in progress, at least it's not a death trap anymore. It's too bad I couldn't have had "before" picture, this entire room was wall to wall boxes.
The other side of our promising room of learning :)
Our super tiny kitchen, fully equipped with our washer and dryer. I'm sure many math lessons and home skill lessons will be taking place here. Let's note it's maybe 1/4 the size of our old kitchen - talk about creative use of space.
Yeah, the other side - see very small. Soph's hand is on the fridge, it really is that tiny.
We planted our garden. The veggies are in front of our very unsightly outdoor storage shed, and although most of our learning will be on that side, the flower bed I dug is deemed Soph's garden. She helped dig up the grass and she waters it, she even helped pick out the flowers that we planted. That's definitely learning!
Well that's it, a quick glimpse of out weekend and a brief tour of our humble abode. I'm back to unpacking and planning our trip to AZ to visit DH. Hopefully I shall have more adventurous and fun filled pictures soon.

5 Questions, Comments, Concerns:

Garden State Kate said...

I love that you still have a "school room/play room/learning center"
even with a small place!
Pretty flowers..prettier children!;-)
Safe travels..

Cher Mere said...

cute pictures of the preschool room. Sophie is a doll!

Maddie, Mad Rambler said...

So glad to see that you have gotten so faralong in all your unpacking and the "school" room looks great, coming along nicely

Maddie, Mad Rambler said...

Love the new layout, very attractive

Maddie, Mad Rambler said...

Love the new layout, very atractive