Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I seem to have lost my living space.

It has been over run with piles and piles and mountains of boxes. Nothing quite says reality check like seeing all one's personal items in 1 place. It is most definitely time for us to do some serious prioritizing and downsize (I know I've said this, but having actually received our household goods make this task even more urgent).

Yesterday was a good day, despite being a wee bit overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all. We've met several of our neighbors, one of which has a little boy not much older than Soph. They played together for about 4 hours while the movers unloaded our boxes on Monday, and all I heard all day yesterday while waiting for the phone guy was "Mommy.... when do I get to see my new friends?"...*10 minutes later*... "I see them over there in their yard, I could just walk there while you wait. When is the man coming?"...*5 minutes later*... "How about I just go over there for a little bit"...*repeat all day long*... So, I'm we found a playmate that lives close and is always around just like us :) Our Next door neighbors have a little girl also who is 3 - so we are definitely surrounded by children. Which is a very welcomed change to before.

Oh and I do believe the highlight of the day was when we found a caterpillar crawling up our house, we put him in a jar (with no lid), so we could watch him squirm around, then we went to look up what kind of caterpillar it was - alas our encyclopedias were not accessible, so perhaps we'll have to look for him today now that I've uncovered our Encyclopedias. If it's as beautiful today as it was yesterday, I might have a hard time staying on task. Something about CA weather just yells "COME OUT AND PLAY!"-after being in MD (where nothing about the weather ever said come outside), I must say it's nice to be back on the left coast.

7 Questions, Comments, Concerns:

patrice said...

Ahhh! How nice to have a friend to play with so close. And yes, today was a Come Out and Play day!

Garden State Kate said...

I am glad to hear you are settling in
and that Soph found some friends!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I just saw your comment on my blog and left you a message there. That was so cute.

When I comment here, it bounces back to my e-mail.

I think you will enjoy your bigger yard when the weather gets nice soon.

Rockin' Moroccan Mama said...

Ooh I envy the nice weather. That is so nice to have neighbors withkids. That makes it is so much more homier. Good luck with the unpacking :)

chanale said...

Daphne - Tag, you're it. :)

Maddie, Mad Rambler said...

Tag you it, like if you have nothing to do as of late... unpacking and tackling the baby from the mountain of boxes isn't enough.

Maddie, Mad Rambler said...

Tag you're it, like if you don't have anything else to do, like that "unecessary" unpacking, or tackling a toddler from the top of a mountain of boxes....