So we had our fall fun adopt-a-park clean up with our new homeschool group. Very very fun. Soph had such an awesome time learning about nature and mostly running around in circles. After going on our nature walk, the kids made bird feeders. I made almond butter so Soph could participate, she had a great time. All the the people in the group are so nice and considerate about her allergies, and they really go the extra mile to make sure she's not excluded. This is new for us - when Soph was in preschool, they use to sit her at her own table by herself and not let her participate in anything they thought might perhaps cause a reaction. They wouldn't tell us when there were parties or such, so often she was left out. So, needless to say we are VERY excited to have such wonderful people to spend time with!
Here are the kiddies making their bird feeders.Me and B while on our nature walk. The picture worked out well, as it's both B's and my best "side". The walk was a bit over a mile I believe, but with all the stopping to look at neat things, and chasing my wild child - it sure felt like a lot longer! If I had been thinking I would have strapped B to me! I do believe my left arm is extra
sore strong now.
Soph and her new friend found some really large leaves while on our walk. They were having so much fun together we lost the rest of the group for a bit (notice you can't even see them in the picture, and that's quite a bit of path!), but it's ok because they were busy being trees. We wouldn't want to interrupt the imaginative process, would we?
Soph was having such an awesome time, she pretty much refused to leave. I had to drag her to the car. As a result, we ended up missing gymnastics. She was really upset about it and I felt horrible because I know how much she loves it. Perhaps next time when I say we have to leave or we wont make it _(fill in location we're headed to)_, she'll be a little more cooperative.
1 Questions, Comments, Concerns:
sounds like a great day. It is so nice that they included Sophie.
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